Industry Institute Linkages

Industry Institute Linkages

Presently the Institute has “Dual System of Training” (DST) for 2years course – Fitter and Electrician trades. We are taking necessary steps to extend the same to other trades so far not covered, subject to inducement. Efforts are made for short term training of 3 / 4 week in Industries for Trainees from the coming academic year.

The Institute has Industry Management Commitee (IMC) since 2018 but had to discontinue the same during Covid -19 period. However, as per the recommendations of DET, we are reviewing the same from April 2022 with participation of Commitee members from both Industries and Government.  


The First Meeting of IMC held on Friday, the 6th May 2022 at our premises and attended by the following members :-
1.  Shri. R. Prabhakaran     ..       ... In the Chair
2.  Shri. S. Maheswaran     ..       ... Representing Trade / Industries
3.  Shri. A. Kopperuman     ..       ...      -  do  -
4.  Shri. K. J. Srinivasan     ..       ...      -  do  -
5.  Shri. R. Vincent Prabakaran   ...      -  do  -
6.  Shri. M. Sivasubramanian      ...  Principal / Secretary
7.  Shri. S. Yagesh     ..        ..     ...  Student Representative
8.  Shri. K. Akash       ..        ..     ...        -  do -